Sunday, October 31, 2010


A lot of people think they have no time to eat healthy so they wait until dinnertime and think "Oh crap! what's for dinner? Honey, what sounds good to you?" to which Honey says "I don't know what sounds good to you?" then you say, " I don't care, you pick something." Then Honey says "I don't care either. You know what I like so either just pick something up or make something." Then, because its late and its much easier, you just pick something up on the way home. This conversation comes very easy because its the exact same conversation I've had many, many, many, MANY times!!!!

Except sometimes, I don't say Honey........ :)

Anywhooooo, so what I do is this. I make a menu for the month. It only takes about 15-20 minutes to pull out my planner and list some things my family likes to eat. You'll notice that 4 days are crossed out. That's because its Thanksgiving weekend. I'll either be cooking or not that day and the rest of the weekend I'll be off riding horses with my parents in the Kiamichi mountains of Oklahoma. Woooo Hooooo!!!

This is my actual day planner and my actual menu for the month that I just wrote up. If I don't do this, then I end up having the aforementioned conversation, with or without the use of the word, Honey. You'll notice that a few of the entries have "leftovers" where a dinner option should be. Thats because I know my family by now and I know that they will not eat all of what I prepare and I don't want to waste the leftovers and create extra work for myself by preparing something else when there is still perfectly good food in the fridge.

What you don't see is that I made these plans with my schedule in mind. I know that on Tuesday and Thursday evenings I come home late from teaching yoga. Honey gets a little pissy (can I say pissy? Is the word pissy allowed in the blogging world? Is it like tv where you can't say certain words? I don't think so. And honestly, there really isn't a better word I could use. He really does just get pissy.) when dinner is too late. It's not his fault really. He gets indigestion and heartburn when he eats too late and then goes to bed. Sooo, being the good wife that I am, I prepare meals in the slow cooker on those nights. Monday nights I have Tae Kwon Do, so the same goes for Monday nights. I don't have anything written for Saturdays because its junk food night at our house on Saturday nights.

OH BOY!!!! You have to know about Saturday nights!!! Junk food night is the bribe I use to get my family to eat relatively healthy the rest of the week. It really works but I'm almost sorry that I introduced it. Now, I'm completely shackled to junk food night! Here's another conversation at my house.

"Honey, I'm going out with some friends on Saturday night." To which Honey says, "But.......It's junk food night....You can't go, cause I'll miss junk food night. You know I don't want to miss junk food night." *sigh* Again, sometimes without use of the word Honey.... :)

Also, I don't list breakfast or lunch. Those meals are super easy to "wing it". We usually have cereal, eggs, oatmeal, organic toaster pastries or something for breakfast during the week and a big Sunday breakfast that doesn't need planning. And for lunch we usually just have soup, sandwiches, salads or something. Whatever the mood strikes.

So, now that I have my menu. I will go make a grocery list for the week. Go buy said groceries and I'm all set! Now, I already know what's for dinner and it takes a big load off each evening trying to figure out what I'm gonna feed my family when I'm tired from a very full day of conversations with Honey! Again, sometimes without the use of the word Honey!!! :)

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