This post is part of Food Renegade's Fight Back Friday where real food enthusiasts can "fight back" against industrialized farming thereby creating better health for our families. If you're interested, you can check it out here Fight Back Friday 10/21/10.
I've decided to start doing some product reviews. I'm very excited about this. In fact, I've been pondering new directions to go with my blog. I'm very excited about that too!! It'll still be geared toward making our families healthier but I've got new ideas in which to do that. One of them is the regular product reviews. I'll also be adding some herbal information as well.
I would like to start off by saying that alot of the products that I use are sold through network marketing. I know a lot of people are turned off by that, but not me and I'll tell you why. Number 1, all the best products are sold through this type of marketing. So much so, that Warren Buffett and Donald Trump now own network marketing companies. Robert Kiyosaki reccomends network marketing as the least expensive way to start earning residual income in his books. Number 2, I'm big on loyalty. I like to support my friends and family in their business ventures when I can. I would rather see them do financially well than some big, faceless corporation. Not that I'm anti-big business per se. I am a conservative after all. I do believe in the free market system. But, if a friend has a great product I'd rather help them out anyway. Not only that, BECAUSE network marketing has such a bad rap, I think if my friend has decided to attach their name to a product and actually sell it, it must be a really great product!!
So, the first product I want to tell you about is one that I've attached MY name to and decided to sell. It's Monavie. If you want to learn more you can go to my website Monavie. The product in particular I want to share with you, though, is Monavie's healthy energy drinks.
This is very exciting because our kids LOVE energy drinks, Monster, Redbull, etc. and they are SO bad for us!! Deadly, in fact! I know, I know, you probably think I'm being overly dramatic but No....I'm not. They truly are deadly. In fact, doctors are reporting that those energy drinks sold in stores cause irreparable heart damage!!!! Okay. Let that soak in for just a minute. IRREPARABLE HEART DAMAGE.......
They are full of caffeine, sugars of all different varieties, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, and additives. Oh My!!!
What we love about Monavie's Emv is that its a healthy, sustained energy (my husband and I absolutely love them and we didn't drink energy drinks before). There are no jitters or crashes with this product. Also, there are no added caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, or chemicals. It's all natural, healthy, and best of all, it has the anti-oxidant equivalent to 6 servings of fruits!! So, not only is not bad for you like the others on the market, but its actually good for you!
My teenage son loves energy drinks and I was forever getting on to him for drinking them. Really, that's the one thing that will get him into serious trouble. I'd rather see him with a beer in his hand than a Monster. (He overheard me say that one time and he got excited. "All right!!! I can have beer!" Ha Ha! Silly Boy! No)
My point is that you can allow your kids to drink them and not feel like a bad mother. It's actually good for them. For sure, its better than a Coke! the energy in Emvs come from a slow release carbohydrate, green tea extract, and yerba mate extract. In fact, some parents are giving it to their children with ADHD before bed to help them sleep. And it works!!!!!
For those that are calorie conscious, Monavie recently came out with Emv Lite. It has less than half the calories of the original. However, to get less calories, they had to remove some of the fruit. The original version is 80% fruit whereas the Lite version is only 20% fruit. Then because it has less fruit its not as sweet. So, they added Stevia to sweeten it. I love it. I'm a big fan of Stevia though. If you aren't familiar, Stevia is a very sweet herb that has been used in eastern countries for decades and just now being discovered here in the west. It tastes a little aspartame-y though (which I really do like, not the aspartame, but the flavor. I used to be a big aspartame consumer until I learned how bad it is). So, if you don't like that flavor, I would reccomend the original. I personally drink the Emv Lite. I work it into my caloric budget. Occasionally, I will have the original, just because. On some occasions, I have more than one in a day. Oh My!!!! :)
If you want to try it, leave a comment below, and I'll pick 10 random winners to a free one!!!! in the comment, leave your preference to the original or the lite and your email address so I can email you to get your shipping address.
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